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Unibond Outdoor Extreme Repair Sealant - Brown 389g

£4.45 £4.45
SKU: 3755616
Vendor: Unibond
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UniBond Weather Guard Extreme Repair Sealant Adhesive and Filler Cartridge is the ultimate tool for all DIY needs. With its patented FLEXTEC technology extreme repair is a sealant, grab and filler all-in-one, suitable for sealing joints, filling cracks and bonding most materials. The high-performance formulation can be applied in any weather condition (even rain).  It features all-weather bonding and sealing of frame, roof and guttering, UPVC double glazing, external cladding, delicate surfaces (such as mirrors, polystyrene and marble) and bedding compound Adheres to most building materials UV-resistant 20 minutes touch drying time Colour: Brown Expiry date: 05/2022
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